Hilux Campaign
Below is a set of banners we designed on a contract basis for Toyota for their new Hilux Pickup launch. The banners were designed to hang up in all the major showrooms in South Africa. The idea behind the banners was to relate the features as elements within our surroundings. For example, the toughness of the vehicle was equated to a “sledge hammer”. Its traction equated to “a boot’s sole” and so each natural item had a relation to the vehicle giving the product the power it deserved.
Banners 1-4
Below are the 1st four banners relating to the features within the vehicle. The hammer relates to the toughness of its structure. The bottom of the boot relates to Hilux’s traction. The giraffe relates to the height of the vehicle and the bug relates to its suspension.
Banners 5-8
Below are the 2nd four banners relating to the features within the vehicle. The sleeping bag relates to the comfort of the vehicle. The lock and keys relate to Hilux’s traction. The hard hat and gloves relate to the vehicle’s safety and lastly the bug bull resembles the Hilux’s price tag.
Camery Advert
Below is an advert done for Toyota for the new Camry. We were involved in the photography, retouching the imagery to the final printed versions. They were distributed in magazines, newspapers and billboards.
Land Cruiser Advert
Below is an advert done for Toyota for the new Land Cruiser. We were involved in the photography, design and retouching of the imagery up to the final printed versions. They were distributed in magazines, newspapers and billboards.